Excessivism predisposition started to appear in the
works of number of European artists such as a German-British painter
Frank Auerbach, a Dutch born Belgian painter Bram Bogart and others from the
1950's. Auerbachs obsession to get it 'right' leads him to paint an
image and then scrape it off the canvas at the end of each day,
repeating the process time and again, illustrates that excessivism
was part of his creative approach not only by outcome, but also by
the process he employed. In the next decade Belgian artist Bram
Bogart preannounced the Excessivism by experimenting with three-dimensional medium. Excessivism is the collective title that is
given to artists whose works are based on Excessivism tendencies.
On the September 03 of 2014 Excessivist Manifesto was
recorded in the Library of Congress with registration number V Au
1-234-999 and on the September 28 of 2015 it was published in Downtown
News weekly.
The inaugural exhibition of Excessivism took place in
LA Artcore Brewery Annex gallery with the title "Excessivist
Initiative" curated by Kaloust Guedel. The Selection of the artists
and works were made based on their demonstration of excessivist
The idea was conceived in the studio of Kaloust
Guedel based on his personal realizations of his relationship as a
consumer with the capitalist environment. Art historian and critique
Shana Nys Dambrot states "Excessivism is a movement which in itself
is contemporaneously developing and annexing. It has a founder,
several early adopters, and a manifesto. This last reads in part,
“The Excessivist Initiative reflects the capitalist system where
excess is constantly encouraged for the sole purpose to deliver
profit..." - The
Huffington Post (HuffPost), Sep. 23, 2015.
The concept was introduced to the Los Angeles art scene in November
of 2014 in the Red Pipe gallery with a solo exhibition. It was
titled Excess
The New Norm.
The exhibition was curated by art critic and curator Mat Gleason of
Coagula Curatorial.
The year 2015 marked the official establishment of
the Excessivism movement in
visual art
with three layers of foundation:
1- Manifesto: registered in
US Library of Congress
and published in
Downtown News Weekly
2- Acknowledgment of the movement by historians first
of which was published in
The Huffington Post
(HuffPost) Sep. 23, 2015
3- The inaugural exhibition of Excessivistm as a
By the 2019 Excessivism expended itself outside of visual forms into
fashion and music.
In the January 19, 2019 British composer
Larry Goves presented "Larry Goves: Paraphernalia: material agency and musical excess (Sonic Materialities Lab)"
concert in a London venue.
2019 - Ranch Soil
- Krolik
FASHION In the early 2017 Excessivism appeared
in fashion. An award winning fashion designer Ji Won Choi presented
Excessivism collection, which later was adopted by Adidas
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